Video Game Lies

Video Game Lies

We all knew one. That kid who always told lies about video games. Maybe they knew a cheat code to make Lara Croft naked, or said that something special happened in Sonic if you collected 1000 rings, or that there really was a Carcer City in GTAIII that you had to be awesome to get to. Maybe you were that kid. Maybe you are that manchild.

Do video game lies arise out of a desire to trick people, or because the liar wants to look cool? We may never know, but we can record all of these lies for posterity. Years from now, historians will be able to observe this unique bit of video game culture.

NOTE: This wiki is also for funny lies about video games that you just made up, or satirical articles about fake video games. Really. What, you expect us to sort out which lies are legitimate and which lies you just made up? Ho ho, Gegory Wire knows better than that!

Video Game Lies was created Gegory Wire. For more lies by him, visit Ludus Novus.

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Featured lie

God's Own RPG:

Tomb Raider starlet Lara Croft is obtainable in Final Fantasy VII. He believes in breeding two gold chocobos and improving them to S Class. Once doing so, beat Joe twelve times and he will be replaced by a new rider. Beat the rider three times, and you will receive the item with no name. With Tifa in your party, leave the Gold Saucer and Tifa will talk about the mysterious item. Show her the item, and the screen will go blank. When vision returns, Tifa will transform into Lara Croft gun can kill any monster first shot.

Featured liar

Gegory Wire

Featured media

A faked image of Toad in Super Smash Bros Melee

Toad is a class C pimp.
